Tuesday, October 20, 2015

                                                      10th grade reflect blog  Douglas Riley

                   I think that my grades are deserved because I always did my work pay attention and made sure
                  that I did all my work when it was suppose to do done. And because I worked hard for grades
                  and always was in class everyday and was good in my class to. I have a lot new things about
                  different subjects and new things in reading art and math and science to. I have learned that I
                  past all my class if I just come to school do my work and always pay attention. I will start doing
                  my work on time and always study when u have time to did and probably study at home after
                  your done with what your doing and study if u have a big test coming up to I think I should have
                  better grades in my classes and I should more help in my classes to and pay more attentions to.
                  I would want my teacher to gave me more help on my work and test to when we are about have
                  one to the teachers gave us more understanding on are work to and help us when we need it to
                  and gave us more work that easier or harder to. I think my grades will be better this quarter to
                  and I will probably have at else all B's or a couple of A's to. I will be better this year. I feel way
                  because that how I feel about my grades and my teachers to.

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